Achieve your goals with the PRK-1U device

Control by one`s consciousness and develop it has become much easier and more accessible! There`s an assistant for it now - the PRK-1U device!
Hooray!!! I passed the physics exam excellently! The professor praised the answer very much!
I`m using controlling on the PRK-1U device in my business. Nothing without the controlling.
I eliminated menstrual pain! There are no words to describe how happy I am!
Two weeks after the controlling on PRK-1U, I was invited to the desired job.
I`m helping my grandson with the PRK-1U device. He has a problem of remembering.
I restored my vision by PRK-1U! I’m controlling for rejuvenation now.

Are you dreaming of getting superpowers?

Be also the one who`s controlling his own life. Due to the universal connections, by controlling for yourself, you`re doing the best for all at the same time.

Do the controlling for various events

The everyday life brings many events that we can harmonize, normalize, or realized the wished for by controlling.
Don’t forget, it`s all exclusively about achieving creative events.
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Restore your health

It is essential for a person to always recover. Each of our organs has such a function. But often, there`s too much work and the organism isn`t able to cope on its own. A person must actively help it and lead the most harmonious lifestyle. And remember, everything has an original norm, and everything can be restored, including health, regardless of a disease.
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Rejuvenate yourself

Human life implies a certain necessity for periodic self-rejuvenation. Rejuvenation can be done at any age; the earlier, the less information needs to be processed. Rejuvenation implies both external and internal rejuvenation, as well as the event-based.
← Watch the short video

Develop various abilities and skills

Life - is eternal development and self-improvement. You can develop your creativity, various skills, optimize your thinking, eliminate fears and phobias, normalize feelings and emotions, and psychological states. Everything that you need and want! You have eternal time!
Watch the short video →
The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.
Everyone knows from school that light can be considered in two ways: both as a wave and as a corpuscular particle. And, taking consideration, that any object, on the micro level, consists of atoms, molecules and they can also be converted into a quantum - light state, there`s a conclusion: any object, even a dense one, consists of waves.

And therefore, when we think, we can consider that thought, within wave processes, acts itself as a wave process. And this, by the way, has been recorded by many quantum spectrographs and other devices. When a person thinks, a photon glow appears.

Why is this possible? How to do the controlling?

You can do the controlling by your consciousness by performing concentrations. Grigori Grabovoi gives various methods of concentration in his works. He also creates devices, such as PRK-1U, that develop and enhance concentration.

During concentrations, we need to mentally keep a goal of controlling, i.e. what we want to achieve.

By giving this enough time and consistency, we are all able to achieve our goals, control various events, heal, rejuvenate and develop eternally.
During concentrations, our consciousness itself also develops.

How to do the controlling by one`s consciousness?

Controlling by consciousness is based on the wave level of reality

Grigori Grabovoi

Григорий Петрович Грабовой (14.11.1963 село Богара, Казахская ССР) учёный, доктор физико-математических наук, академик, ясновидящий, автор своего Учения «О спасении и гармоничном развитии».
(...) Thus, the tasks of curing, of effecting events, etc. eventually transform into a specific system of light waves. And, by controlling by the light of your consciousness, you can create resonance at any point in space-time and, depending on how correct you`re thinking here, near the physical body, you effect the external system.

Therefore, it is clear why it is possible to effect events through structuring and through the technology of consciousness. – Precisely because you consider all phenomena of reality from the point of view of wave nature.
Our consciousness perceives as real that, which exists in our consciousness.
− Grigori Grabovoi
In fact, the development of man, his improvement is connected with the development of his consciousness.
− Grigori Grabovoi
Find out more about controlling from the scientific point of view by reading excerpts from the scientific works by Grigori Grabovoi, from descriptions of his patents, and also quotes from his works and speeches.

Learn more about controlling by one`s consciousness

The PRK-1U device – new possibilities of controlling

Use modern technologies of consciousness. Use the technique of eternal life for controlling.

What is the PRK-1U device?

PRK-1U - is a device of development of concentrations of eternal life. The device was created by the Russian scientist Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of his “Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization” and “Information-Carrying System”.
For working with the PRK-1U device, it`s necessary to concentrate on the lenses of the device and simultaneously mentally keep the goal of controlling. Concentration begins from the small lens and continues counterclockwise to the following lenses.

How to do the controlling using PRK-1U?

For how long to concentrate?

You yourself determine the number of concentrations and their duration. Carry out the concentrations systematically until your goal is achieved. There are no restrictions in using the PRK-1U device.

Sign up for a 2-day free testing of the PRK-1U device

After agreeing on a testing date, you will receive access to the testing page and you may carry out concentrations unlimitedly for two days.

The PRK-1U device is configured to your personal data and for this you need to provide your first name, last name and date of birth.
By clicking on the button, you agree to the privacy policy
After undergoing the testing, you must fill out a testing protocol.
Everyone interested can undergo a two-day free testing of the device in order to make a decision on concluding a PRK-1U sublicense agreement. Each person can undergo this testing only once.
If after a 2-day free testing you wish to undergo another testing of the PRK-1U device, it will last 90 minutes and will be paid (100 euros).

Reviews about the PRK-1U device

Anastasia S.
April 2022
I decided to share the result today, which pleased me greatly. The day before, I did the controlling for a harmoniously diploma defense of my younger daughter and all the students with high marks. All 14 of them received the highest mark of "5". The teachers noted that these were very well prepared students. It was good for everyone. Working for rejuvenation is in full swing. Today I got this result. The cashier at the store was surprised with my age when I asked for a pension discount. I thanked her for the compliment.
Lyudmila V.
April 2022
The first half of the day - is heaviness in the head. The pain intensified (in such cases only a pill, or even two, help, the pressure is low). I decided to try controlling on the device. I didn`t know how to formulate the task. Therefore, concentrating on the lenses, I was simply saying: “My headache has stopped.” I added the number series 4818543 in working. I worked for 17 minutes, I couldn`t work longer. After the concentration, I felt that I became somewhat lighter. And then, after a while, I realized that there was no heaviness in my head, nothing bothers me anymore! It was so unusual! After all, in such cases pills were necessary before.
Irina Sh.
February 2022
This week, a friend asked me to help a relative living in the Krasnodar region (I live in Kazakhstan). He was discharged from the hospital with an unspecified diagnosis - cirrhosis of the liver (the diagnosis was announced only to his wife). In a day, severe abdominal pain, internal bleeding, high fever began. I used number series: critical condition, acute stomach, toxic liver, stopping internal bleeding - in working with the device and technologies from the lecture Rejuvenation by Eternity. On the following day, the relative was admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with a perforated ulcer of the intestine. I continued to work, the diagnosis was changed to - purulent cholecystitis. I added a number series for that disease. On the following day, the diagnosis was changed again - stone in the gallbladder. I've corrected my helping again. On the fourth day, the relative was discharged from the hospital in good health, excellent appetite, his wife hardly persuaded to get three days of sick leave for him, so as not to go to work right away. I concluded for myself: everything turned out so well because the relative didn`t know the severity of the diagnosis and made plans for the future. Only me and my friend knew about the treatment by the methods by G. Grabovoi, i.e. there were no fears, doubts, distrust on the part of relatives and doctors (sometimes that`s important).
Elena S.
December 2021
I was riding by bus and watched a sad scene of quarrel between two women, then other passengers got involved... I began to do concentrations on the device, Calmness, Harmony, Understanding, and slowly the quarrel stopped, their faces brightened, the instigators got off the bus. It didn’t concern me, I was so steadily calm, as if behind glass.
Galina G.
December 2021
Last evening, I concentrated on the device for the goal of improving the heating system in our house, because the radiators were slightly warm and it was cold in the flat. Result: this evening, the batteries are hot and it`s warm home. Although, the day before, the neighbor said that she called the management company many times and all without result. And in the morning, the dispatcher told me that the mechanic had recently been in the basement of the house and everything was working normal there. However, in the evening the batteries became very hot.
Lyudmila G.
November 2021
I love controlling with the word I Exclude. Neighbors downstairs, the whole family are smokers. In the summer, it`s impossible to open the window. We`ve talked - it's useless. About a year ago, I started controlling on the device to exclude cigarette smoke in my flat. I can`t say that I worked every day, but quite regularly. I was completely confidence that the controlling would work - either they would quit smoking, or they would leave. And today I find out that they`ve sold their flat and left, I'm happy, I hope that they are too. I didn't exclude people, I excluded cigarette smoke in my flat.
Elena S.
November 2021
I had a big event, once again confirming the actuality of results of working by the methods by G.P. Grabovoi! A mole of my daughter E. disappeared!!! She was examined by an oncologist. He suggested removing/surgical treatment. I`ve carried out working on the PRK-1U device, every day since February 2021, for the goals "Reduction and disappearing of a mole", "Healthy skin 519 606 901 319". From the beginning, the mole dried up, shrank, and then fell off. Marina Morozkina helped me formulate the goal, thank her. My daughter is in the subject, she's practicing the Teaching, she's interested and very supportive of me. And of course, she's very happy with such a result.
Larissa F.
January 2020
In the winter of 2019, as I came to visit my daughter, I first learned that my 6-year-old granddaughter had a problem with memorizing poetry. She couldn`t repeat Agnia Barto's quatrain "Our Masha is crying loudly..." even after a repeated joint repetition. On my returning home, I worked with the number sequence 319492189 - the development of memory, on the PRK-1U device via the Internet. While working, I felt some resistance, which disbanded as the controlling progressed. On the second day, I repeated the concentration, but I didn`t feel such resistance in the information as at first time. Literally a few days later, my daughter sent me a video where my granddaughter recited by heart a rather long poem “Anna-vanna Brigadier” by Mikhalkov. It was the first poem that my granddaughter learned without problems. The number sequence for development of memory was taken from the book by Grabovoi G.P, "Number Series of Psychological Rationing". Amazingly – and a fact that once again demonstrates the limitless possibilities of PRK-1U by Grigori Grabovoi. A huge thank you, Grigori Petrovich, for the joy of eternal development.
Marina Z.
January 2019
Recently, I went to visit my son. Literally the day before, having called, I found out that both my son and granddaughter were ill, the temperature was raised, especially my granddaughter`s. And the granddaughter had just outgrew the whooping cough, so it could all get complicated for her. And there, the device PRK-1 U helped me a lot. In the evening, using the device, PRK-1U, I normalized organism of both my granddaughter and my son. I used my favorite method of working with PRK-1U - impulsive effect on the structure of Soul by my Consciousness by a spiritual action. I worked for half an hour for each. At the airport, I worked a bit more, I got to the device account on my phone. My son waited for me in an already normal condition, my granddaughter`s temperature had been normalized overnight, but she was still rather weak, and on the following day, we`ve already went for a walk with her.
Natalia Z.
December 2018
I`ve been working with the device practically since it came out. In 2016, I enrolled an educational institution for a degree in law. All the colleagues on the “wave” have already learned and received their law degrees, but I`ve just turned off my brakes, enrolled, studied and should have graduated in 2019. Upon admission, I notified everyone of my “young” age, I was notified that it didn`t matter, and the learning process began. The disciplines were interesting and easy to understand, I remembered history, Russian ... But I had no idea how to pass higher mathematics without special training. I didn`t count on remembering the school curriculum, and there it was an entire tower ... But I had the PRK-1U device and I began the controlling. And as a miracle, the result - three 3 and one 4 - in a subject that I simply couldn`t physically learn.
Natalya Z.
December 2018
I used to like setting my tasks on the PRK-1U device for successful passing of intermediate and final exams in a particular discipline, and once a completely daring thought flashed through me - a dream: "It would be nice to close all disciplines by the end of this year ..." of course I had fun. I didn`t understand how it could all happen, but it was this task exactly that I transformed and launched its solution into work.
And how cool it would be to complete my studies by the end of 2018 - I once thought with the PRK-1U devices turned on ...
And it`s started - either in a day, or in a week, a phone call is heard and the curator asks me - at what stage is my work on the Graduation Qualifying Work? I haven’t even started - I answer.
The deadlines have changed due to reorganization of the institute through merging with another institute, and in order not to be transferred to take an exam at another institute, I need to meet the deadline before a certain date - the curator informs me.
At the end of December 2018, I received my diploma - the devices harmonized the structure of space, where all the actions were interconnected for new deadlines and for a closure of the process of my education – the task set was solved. SUPER…

Remote access
to the PRK-1U device

is given on the basis of a sublicense agreement PRK-1U along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi
party to the agreement
  • Remote access to 3 devices
  • Access to the internet library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi
agreement amount

Physical device PRK-1U

is given on the basis of a sublicense agreement PRK-1U along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi
party to the agreement
макс. 8
  • Remote access to 3 devices
  • Access to the online library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi
  • All materials on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on an USB flash drive
  • The PRK-1U device
agreement amount

Physical device PRK-1U with diamonds

is given on the basis of a sublicense agreement PRK-1U along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi
party to the agreement
макс. 8
  • Remote access to 3 devices
  • Access to the online library with the works by Grigori Grabovoi
  • All materials on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on an USB flash drive
  • The PRK-1U device with diamonds
agreement amount
Submit an application for the PRK-1U device
Testing of the device is your first step in signing a PRK-1U sublicense agreement.

Steps for signing the sublicense agreement

Testing the PRK-1U device
Everyone can undergo a two-day free testing of the device once via the Internet. The device is configured to your personal data. For this you need: your first and last name and date of birth.
Filling out a protocol of testing
After the testing of the device, fill out a protocol of testing, scan it and send it to us.

download the testing protocol
Sending an application
Send an application for the selected type of sublicense agreement
Signing the sublicense agreement
You will receive a PRK-1U sublicense agreement template with number of the agreement by email. Sign the agreement, scan it and send it by email.
Making the payment
Payment under the sublicense agreement is made to the bank account specified in the agreement.
Receiving materials
If you have signed an agreement with delivery of a physical device, then you agree with the Distributor in advance on the method of delivery of the device.

Sign up for a free 2-day testing

The testing of the PRK-1U device is the first step in signing the PRK-1U sublicense agreement.

Answering frequently asked questions

Important information: The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.

Ready for controlling? Write to us

  • Submit an application for free testing of the device
  • Submit an application for signing a PRK-1U sublicense agreement
By clicking on the button, you agree to the privacy policy