At this page, you will learn about controlling from the scientific point of view by reading excerpts from the scientific works by Grigori Grabovoi, from descriptions of his patents, and also quotes from his works and speeches.
A future event is the element of information compression now

About the controlling by Consciousness

“I want to say in advance about the principles of controlling by consciousness, based on the wave level of reality.

Everyone knows from school that light can be considered in two ways: both as a wave and as a corpuscular particle. And, taking into consideration, that at the micro level, any object consists of atoms, molecules and they can also be converted into a quantum - light state, there is a conclusion: any object, even a dense one, consists of waves.

But from the point of view of mathematics, when we have multiple phenomena that consist of waves - physical bodies, human body, nature - we can systematize the phenomena and specify the wave law of development of each system. And therefore, when we say that physical bodies move in space and perform some actions (social for humanity or natural), then all of this is also described sometimes through extrapolation, sometimes qualitatively, but from the point of view of the wave theory.

And therefore, when we think, we can consider that thought, within the wave processes, acts itself as a wave process. And this, by the way, has been registered by many quantum spectrographs and other devices. When a person thinks, a photon glow appears.
Consequently, the task of controlling by consciousness for the purposes of macro-salvation, where the Creator is in the basis of creative development (that level from which everything occurs), we have very great power, by acting exactly for salvation.

The platform of concentration of controlling waves of reality is precisely this task, i.e. the goal – preventing possible global catastrophes. And even with a little, seemingly ordinary thinking, it becomes controlling, because exactly the specification, on the mathematical basis, of the main carrier waves, that enables, with the very minimal levels of controlling, that this wave makes great influence.

Thus, the tasks of treatment, of effecting events, etc. eventually transform into a specific system of light waves. And, by controlling by the light of one`s consciousness, you can create resonance at any point of space-time and, depending on how correctly you`re thinking here, near the physical body, so you`re influencing the external system.

Therefore, it`s clear why it is possible to effect events through structuring and through the technologies of consciousness. - Precisely because you consider all the phenomena of reality from the point of view of wave nature.”

Grigori Grabovoi, 2002.
From the forecast by Grigori Grabovoi, the Newspaper “Variant of Controlling - FORECAST” No. 7 (8) August 2002

On principles of controlling by consciousness, based on the wave level of reality

The task of controlling by consciousness for the purposes of macro-salvation, where the Creator is in the basis of creative development (that level from which everything occurs), we have very great power, by acting exactly for salvation.
− Grigori Grabovoi
The relevance of the work is in the fact that for prevention of catastrophes and forecasting catastrophic phenomena, a physical- mathematical theory and a device, which enable determining the component of information, related to the future events, have been created. Since many catastrophic phenomena of natural and technogenic character occur without statistic and deterministic basis, a special relevance of the work is in discoveries, oriented to receiving the precise information about future that includes the methods of prevention of catastrophes.
Detailing of the phenomena of reality with simultaneous generalization of the controlling environment leads to systems of wave synthesis. The essence of the system of wave synthesis in the description of the processes of reality is in the fact that reality is considered as periodical intersection of stationary areas with the dynamic ones. Synthesis of the dynamic wave of reality with the stationary one originates in the intersection area. Infinite functioning of stationery area is achieved by exposure of dynamic phase in the stationary area. (...)

The theory of wave synthesis in the description of reality is formally expressed as follows:
where, T - is time, Y - is wave of dynamic phase of reality, S - is stationary phase of reality.

In a certain case, the wave synthesis of reality can be presented as an infinite wave, which periodically passes stationary areas and creates new phases of reality from the processes of intersection. Fixation of the component of the dynamic phase in the stationary one enables making the stationary phase independent of time, factually eternal. Consequently, an object created for such area is eternal, and it means it is always restorable.

(...) For a man, the theory of wave synthesis proves immortality. For realization of immortality it is necessary, in accordance with the theory of wave synthesis, to transfer the area of reproduction of stationary phase of reality S into the wave of dynamic phase of reality Y.

The theory of wave synthesis

scientific works
Any element of reality, in phase of transformation, is indestructible and repeatable under any conditions of internal and external environment. This means that any element of reality can be restored.
− Grigori Grabovoi
Tutorial based on the course by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi
"Technology of preventive forecasting and safe development"
The world consists of interconnected structures. Change of one structure leads to change in all structures of the world. Considering perception and consciousness as one of the structures of the world, laws of changing of the world can be determined, depending on changing of perception and consciousness. By accepting the known and observable laws of the world as function of static area of consciousness and perception, the world can be changed by changing consciousness and perception. Constructivity of the specified way of development consists of the fact that transformation of the world, depending on controlling by consciousness and perception, happens without destruction. Since consciousness and perception are also elements of transformation of the world in conditions of general interrelationships. And elements of transformation of general connections from conditions of independent functioning don`t destroy themselves. Therefore, destruction of general and particular connections doesn`t happen.

The concept of representation of applied structure of the creating field of information is built on relationships between concepts of consciousness, perception, and also other objects related to spiritual and material structures.

Creating field of information includes any creating objects of information.

An excerpt from the scientific work by Grigori Grabovoi
“Applied structures of the creating area of information"

The world consists of interconnected structures
The world consists of interconnected structures. Change of one structure leads to change in all structures of the world. Considering perception and consciousness as one of the structures of the world, laws of changing of the world can be determined, depending on changing of perception and consciousness.
− Grigori Grabovoi

Controlling can be intensified by the PRK-1U device

The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U was created by Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of his patents “Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization” and “Information-Carrying System”.
excerpts from works
Consciousness – it`s the structure that enables soul to control the body. Soul, the material part of which is the body, interacts with reality through the structure of consciousness. (...)

In a broad sense, consciousness - it`s the structure that unites spiritual and physical matter.

By changing consciousness it`s possible to transform the spirit, and therefore to reproduce actions, i.e. events. For soul is part of the World, i.e. it`s present in any event.

An excerpt from the work by Grigori Grabovoi
“Resurrection of People and Eternal Life from Now on Is Our Reality!”

In a broad sense, consciousness - it`s the structure that unites spiritual and physical matter.
− Grigori Grabovoi

And do you know what consciousness is?

In practice, development of a man, his improvement is connected with development of his consciousness.
− Grigori Grabovoi
In 1991-1992, for the first time in the world, on official and scientific basis, on assignment by headship of the Uzbekistan Airways National Air Company, Grigori Grabovoi made 360 forecasts on diagnostics of condition of aviation technology with 100% convergence of forecasts with facts in harsh production conditions of operation of the aircraft fleet of Tashkent OJSC, Aircraft Repair Plant No. 243, and the Flight Safety Inspection of the National Air Company of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

From 7 January 1993 to 1 September 1993, Grigori Grabovoi worked as an expert in the Centre of Information and Computing Services of the National Air Company of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where he continued to use extrasensory diagnostics.

Evidentiary basis of the 100% authenticity of all forecasts and diagnostics of aviation equipment forecasts is included in "The Practice of Control. The Way of Salvation. Volume 1".
Grigori Grabovoi was the first in the world to theoretically, mathematically and in practice prove that any elements of reality can be transformed into creative ones by changing one's perception.

The theory of wave synthesis created by him proves immortality for a man.

His technique is specially designed to provide eternal harmonious healthy life for everyone. By his results in controlling he proved that with certain working and with certain knowledge everything can be restored, and therefore any destruction is simply meaningless.

By his abilities of clairvoyance and controlling, Grigori Grabovoi diagnosed aviation and space technology and people's health with one hundred percent convergence of forecasts with facts. He cured patients, among others from fourth stage AIDS and fourth stage cancer, controlled various events, carried out teleportation, materialization, dematerialization and restored people's lives after biological death.

In his Teaching, he gives knowledge about the fundamental structure of the world and special methods of controlling that enable us to creatively control events, and first of all to learn to save ourselves in any situation, not to allow any critical situation neither for ourselves nor for the world, and to provide eternal harmonious development.

Exactly by our Consciousness we can restore our health, improve events, rejuvenate ourselves and develop forever.

Our possibilities are endless!
(14.11.1963, Bogara village, Kazakh SSR) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, academician, the author of discovery of the creating field of information and original works on forecasting future events, their controlling, correcting, clairvoyant, the Author of the Teaching "About Salvation and Harmonious Development", the inventor of the Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U.

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi

Grigori Grabovoi

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